Watercolour Paints

I've written several blogs about watercolour paint, delving into various aspects such as using granulating paints, pan paints vs tube paints, and understanding pigment codes.

In one blog, I explored the fascinating world of granulating paints, discussing how certain pigments create captivating textures and sedimentation when mixed with water.

Another blog focusses on the debate between pan paints and tube paints, comparing their advantages and disadvantages, helping artists make an informed choice.

Lastly, I delved into the intricacies of understanding pigment codes, decoding the information behind the series of numbers and letters on watercolour paint labels.

Through these blogs, I aim to share my knowledge and passion for watercolour painting, offering insights and guidance to fellow artists.


Schmincke watercolour paints are highly regarded among professional artists for their exceptional quality and rich pigmentation. I started using them a while ago and I love them! They re-wet well and layer beautifully.

I’m excited to let you know that I’ve recently partnered with Jackson’s and Schmincke to create my own branded set of watercolour paints. Schmincke: Horadam Watercolour Paint: Louise De Masi Set: 5ml: Set of 12

This set of 12 contains the following colours:

  • Burnt Umber

  • French Ultramarine

  • Madder Red Deep

  • Phthalo Blue

  • Phthalo Green

  • Prussian Blue

  • Ruby Red

  • Scarlet Red

  • Transparent Ochre

  • Transparent Sienna

  • Transparent Yellow

  • Indian Yellow

You can read more about this paint set here in a blog post I wrote.

My Palette

People often ask me what colours I have on my palette. Listed below are the Schmincke colours I have on my palette. The colours I use most often are in bold.

Cadmium Yellow Light - PY35

Pure Yellow - PY154

Transparent Yellow - PY150

Cadmium Yellow Deep - PY35 - PO20

Indian Yellow- PY110 -PY154

Transparent Orange - PO71

Saturn Red PO64 

Permanent Red PR242- P062

Scarlet Red - PR254

Cadmium Red Deep - PR108

Madder Red Dark - PV19 - PR179

Ruby Red - PV19

Quinacridone Magenta - PR202

Potter's Pink - PR233

French Ultramarine - PB29

Cobalt Blue Light - PB28

Prussian Blue - PB27

Phthalo Blue - PB15:1

Helio Cerulean PB15:3

Cobalt Turquoise - PG50

Naples Yellow - PW6 - PY53  - PBr24

Raw Sienna - PBr7 - PY43

Transparent Ochre - PY42

Transparent Sienna - PR101

Mahogony Brown - PBr33

Burnt Umber - PBr7

Sepia Brown PB15:1 - PBr7 - PBk9

Paynes Grey Bluish - PBk6 - PB15:6