Sharing My Creative Journey with The Art of Watercolour Magazine
The Art of Watercolour magazine cover, issue 49
I was very happy to receive an email from The Art of Watercolour Magazine’s editorial staff saying they wanted to feature my work in their upcoming issue. 🤗
The editor sent me a list of questions to answer, which would be featured in the magazine alongside my artwork. Answering the questions was a great opportunity for me to reflect on my journey as an artist and share my insights with the readers of the magazine.
Instead of answering the interview questions right away, I took a few days to mull them over. I find that reflecting on my work and creative processes helps me evaluate the reasons behind my actions. I like to think about and question why I do what I do. As things come to mind, I jot down those reflective thoughts and that allows me to solidify my ideas and gain a better understanding of myself as a creator.
I answered questions such as:
What are the challenges when you work in layers?
And…… What about the difficulties of watercolour in general?
Difficulties of painting in watercolour in general? Where do I start? I think I could fill the entire magazine with difficulties.
Article on Louise De Masi
The Art of Watercolour Magazine is a bi-monthly publication showcasing the work of watercolour artists worldwide.
The magazine also features interviews, tips and techniques for artists, information about upcoming exhibitions, and reviews of art materials.
What I love about this magazine is that it gives emerging artists a platform to showcase their work to a wider audience.
In every issue, artists from around the world can enter their latest competition by submitting some of their paintings and other readers can vote on their favourite. That’s a great way to get noticed.
I often look up the artists whose paintings I admire and if they have a website, I bookmark it so I can follow along on their journey. I draw inspiration from many different sources, but I think a significant portion of my creative fuel comes from observing and engaging with the work of other artists.
I really appreciate the opportunity to showcase my work to a wider audience. I hope you can get your hands on a copy of the magazine.
I was featured in the 49th issue.
#happydance #bigsmile