Why Use Watercolour Paint? What are the Benefits of Using It?

Watercolour painting of a fish displayed on a table with a brush. There is a red heart superimposed over the top right hand corner of the photo.

For me, it’s the fluidity and the freshness, it’s the speed with which I can lay down colour effortlessly and it’s the unpredictability of watercolour that excites me every time I use it.

When you use watercolour, you are able to create stunning artworks that possess a unique, ethereal quality. Watercolour paintings can be subtle, soft and beautiful or bold and vibrant, depending on the application of paint. It is the medium of light and it never fails to surprise!

Painting a fish in watercolour

One of the main benefits of using watercolour is that, once you have an understanding of the basic techniques, it is relatively easy to learn (I put ‘relatively’ in italics because there may be some initial challenges 🥴). This makes it ideal for beginners and experienced artists alike who are looking to explore the medium further.

Another benefit of painting in watercolour is that you can easily blend it with other mediums. You can combine watercolour with ink, gouache, pastel, pencils or collage. There is so much you can do with it. You are only limited by your imagination.

Watercolour is Portable and Easy to Clean

Not only is watercolour painting inherently transportable, but it allows for an easy clean up once you’re done with your artwork. All you have to do is wash off any excess paint from your brushes. They don’t need to be cleaned thoroughly after each painting session.

A quick swoosh in some clean water is all that is needed. Give them a quick reshape with your fingers and then lay them down flat somewhere to dry.

Swirling a watercolour brush in a jar of clean water

No Wastage

Unlike other mediums, there isn’t a lot of paint wastage when you paint in watercolour. If you don’t use all the paint that you squirt out, it will harden on your palette. When you want to paint again all you need to do is refresh it with a spray of water before you start painting.


Using watercolour offers a creative, fluid way to bring your watercolour painting ideas to life and capture moments in time that are truly unique. Versatile and easy to use, it makes for a great addition to any artist’s collection.

Once you learn the fundamental techniques of watercolour painting such as the wet-on-wet technique, layering, blending, glazing, and dry-brush effects, you will be able to explore this medium for years to come and create beautiful works of art.

Completing a watercolour painting of a little boy walking away from the viewer

Write me a message below and let me know why you love… or maybe don’t love this fabulous medium.

A heart painted with red watercolour paint

Learn to Paint in Watercolour

If you would like to learn how to paint in watercolour head over to my Patreon community where I have online watercolour classes for beginners through to advanced painters.